San Pedro, CA | (310) 292-5876


Care and simple modifications can significantly boost your motorcycle's performance and safety. From a synthetic oil change to new brake pads, you'll find some great tips in this post.

How to Boost Your Motorcycle's  Safety and Performance in San Pedro

Many motorcyclists look for ways to modify their bikes to get better performance out of them. Modifications don't have to be costly to bring noticeable results. While upgrading your bike isn' a necessity (unless you race), it never hurts to have an extra level of power and safety. Check out these simple tips San Pedro Synthetics brings you to improve your motorcycle's performance.

Keep up With the Maintenance Schedule

The number one tip anyone can give you about caring for your bike and improving its performance is to keep up with its maintenance. Regular maintenance extends your motorcycle’s life and saves you hundreds of dollars in possible repairs. Your maintenance should include checking the tire pressure, the oil level, cleaning your air filter, and refilling the anti-freeze. You can do plenty of maintenance tasks at home.

Use the Correct Oil

The importance of using the right oil for your bike’s engine cannot be stressed enough. The right oil can make an enormous difference in your bike’s performance. When the oil is too thick, the motor is less powerful, and when the oil is too thin, it can promote excessive wear on the main engine parts. Take some time to learn about your motorcycle by reading your owner’s manual or checking online blogs, and read up on your bike’s engine needs. You can’t use your car’s oil on your motorcycle because they’re designed differently.  By using the same oil on both vehicles, you’d be saving money but sacrificing performance and reducing your bike’s lifespan. You can go beyond using the correct oil and go for a synthetic oil change; it will give you even more engine protection and higher performance. AMSOIL Synthetic Oil has an option for whatever type of motorcycle you drive. If you ride a dirt bike, try their 10W-60 Synthetic Dirt Bike Oil; or if you use your bike for cruising their 10W-40 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle is a good choice. You can get everything you need for your synthetic oil change online, or you can call San Pedro Synthetics at (707) 567-7509 to get some help in navigating through AMSOIL’s products.

Properly Inflated Tires

Under-inflated tires perform poorly and wear out faster, not to mention they’re unsafe. You should try to check your tire pressure every time you go out for a ride. Remember that the summer heat can cause them to wear out even more. The temperature might also fool you into believing the pressure is correct, always check your tires in the morning when they’re still cool. When checking the tire pressure, be sure to inspect the amount of tread as well. If you wish to have some extra grip while driving, there are some racing tires you can use legally on the road. Racing tires can add horsepower and performance; they must have the correct pressure though.

Work on Your Braking System

Motorcycle performance isn’t all about making your bike go; it’s also about making it stop. You need to replace your stock lines for braided brake lines. Stock lines have rubber hoses that expand under high pressure and after a certain period of use, they stretch out and deteriorate. Braided lines give you more control and consistent performance; they also reduce the chances of brake deterioration. As a bonus, they look cooler too. While working on your braking system, you should also replace your brake pads. Race pads improve your braking performance and reduce brake fade; they also handle the heat better. You’ve got some options to choose from: organic, full-metallic, semi-metallic or carbon. Make sure that they match with the material of your brake disks.

Set up Your Suspension

Head to the pros to have adjusting suspensions installed, or read up on it and do it on your own. Adjusting your suspension according to your weight and riding style will give you a better handle of your bike.

Mix in Some Fuel Additives

Fuel additives can do great things for your bike’s performance without you having to clean your engine physically. Additives help clear up any sludge or pollutants that have been gathering in the fuel lines and the cylinder heads. Before using any additives, you should thoroughly read the instructions and ensure that you are using the right product in the correct quantity. Excessive additive use can lead you straight to the mechanic. Don’t panic if you see black smoke coming out of your bike the first time you mix in the additives; it’s just the engine burning off the carbon and contaminants found in the cylinders.

Everything You Require to Meet Your Motorcycle's Lubrication Needs

A big part of improving your bike's performance making the engine stronger. You can strengthen your motor with the help of an AMSOIL Synthetic Oil Change. Get your oil and everything else your motorcycle needs to remain lubricated by calling San Pedro Synthetics at (707) 567-7509 or heading to their online store.