San Pedro, CA | (310) 292-5876


Are you thinking about buying a boat and have no idea where to start? Here you’ll find some information about the basics you should consider in your search for your new boat.

You Need to Consider Many Things When Choosing a Boat

Boats can be the escape you need to get away from your everyday stress. They can also be your work transport if you’re a fisherman. Just like any other vehicle, boats are not all equal. You need to consider many elements before making a purchase. It must suit your preferred activity, fit your budget, have the right size, and many other factors. San Pedro Synthetics has enlisted a few of the things you need to think about before you buy a boat.

Decide the Purpose of Your Boat

Before you get online a search for a vessel or head to the dealer’s for some recommendations, you need to decide what your boat’s primary purpose will be. Will you be using your boat to fish? Are you going to be entertaining multiple guests or will you just be using it on your own? Do you want something for day trips or overnight trips? If you’re into watersports, you need to consider a boat that's suited for that purpose. All different purposes lead to different boat types, so you need to ponder what you really need. Here’s a guide to some of the types of boats you can purchase to help you get a better idea.

Should You Get a New or a Used Boat?

You’ll obviously find a cheaper boat if you buy it used. Maybe you’ll find a used wooden boat a lower price than you would an aluminum and fiberglass vessel. The second option has a longer lifespan, so you should consider that before buying the most economical alternative. There are plenty of variables you need to think about when it comes to used boats. You have to do your research and know exactly what to look out for. If you are getting a second-hand boat, you should have it looked at by a professional to make sure it’s a safe investment. You can find a list of professionals you can hire to determine its value and condition at the National Association of Marine Surveyors website. With that said, if this is your first boat, it would be better if you buy a brand new one. You will get a better insight about market prices and your boating style if you plan to get another boat in the future.

Think About the Engine

How powerful do you want your boat to be? The weight and the horsepower directly impact the boat’s performance. If your engine isn’t strong enough for your needs, it will continue to perform poorly. You also need to think about your boat’s effect on the water. Some engine options are more eco-friendly than others. What about boat maintenance? Four-strokes and two-strokes have different maintenance and marine oil needs. Perhaps you want a ship that’s man-powered and decide to go for a paddleboat or a sailboat. Although, most small sailboats do come with a small engine, so you still need to think about synthetic oil changes. Regardless of what type of engine you choose, you’re still going to have to care for it with the correct marine oil. Fortunately, you can find everything you need to meet your boat’s lubrication needs in AMSOIL’s marine line. Four-stroke, two-stroke, personal watercraft, you name it. They got it. You can purchase all your supplies at the online store or by calling San Pedro Synthetics at (707) 567-7509.

Consider the Size and Your Storage Options

The size of your boat is a major factor to think about. If you’re planning to invite your friends or your family to go boating with you, you will need a large-ish vessel. On the other hand, if it’s just you and a friend, a small boat will do just fine. While you think about the size of your craft, you also need to consider where you will be storing it. Your boat probably won’t fit in your garage and even if it did, do you know how you’re going to tow it to the water?  You should consult your car’s owner’s manual to see what the maximum weight it can haul is. Also, think about all the supplies you need to make your boat safer when you’re calculating its total weight. All the life jackets, emergency supplies, extra oil, and fuel can add up some weight. Some boats need permits, depending on their size. Lastly, if you won’t be able to store your boat at home, you will need to look into long-term storage or keeping it moored, but options will raise your ongoing costs.

Your Boat’s Name

Alright, this isn’t something you need to consider to buy a boat, but naming your ship can be challenging. You don’t want to end up with a sucky name. Sailfeed has some pointers to help you choose the perfect name for your boat.

The Best Products for Your Next Synthetic Oil Change in San Pedro

After you become a boat owner, you will want to care for your new boat and extend its life for a long time. You should keep up with its maintenance and use the best products you can. For instance, for your boat’s lubrication, AMSOIL offers a great line of marine oil options. Like their 10W-30 Synthetic Marine Engine Oil or their Outboard 100:1 Pre-Mix Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil. Remember you can purchase everything you need for a synthetic oil change online, or by calling San Pedro Synthetics at (707) 567-7509. ; ;